The Treasury Department announced several months ago that they will be taking Alexander Hamilton off the $10 bill and replacing him with a yet-unnamed woman. At the Republican presidential debate last month, the candidates were asked who they would pick to replace Hamilton. Their answers seemed very strange to me. Some of the candidates named foreigners. Jeb Bush named Margaret Thatcher. John Kasich named Mother Theresa. Pictures of citizens of foreign countries are never put on U.S. money. Other candidates named living people. Living people are, by law, also never put on U.S. money. Mike Huckabee named his wife. Ben Carson named his mother. Personally, I would leave the $10 bill alone. Alexander Hamilton deserves to be on our money. Alexander Hamilton created this country’s financial system, he was the first Secretary of the Treasury, he created the Federalist Party – the world’s first voter-based political party, and he did much, much more. If I was going to make a change to our money, I would stop making pennies. You can’t buy anything for a penny anymore, and more importantly, it now costs the government over 2 cents to make a penny. It is not good business to sell something for 1 cent that costs 2 cents to make.