When people living in states with low Covid vaccination rates (like Mississippi and Alabama) are asked why they won’t get vaccinated, they say it is because they are suspicious of the vaccine. They say they suspect that there may be something bad in the vaccine. Strangely, these are people who have been eating hot dogs, cold cuts, dollar store sausages, and gas station pastries all their lives. I know someone who says that he hasn’t taken the vaccine because: “I’m not sure what’s in it.” He said this as he was pouring generic ‘creamer’ into his coffee, ‘creamer’ that needs no refrigeration and has no expiration date. This guy is around 60 years old and is well educated. And he knows that over 90% of all the people in the U.S. who have died of Covid are over 50. There are millions and millions of people in the U.S. just like this guy. I don’t get it. Do you?