HILTON HEAD COCKTAIL NAPKINS. Take a look at the 2 photos below. The first photo is of a cocktail napkin used at the bars at Omni’s Hilton Head Island Resort in South Carolina. The second photo is a close-up of the napkin showing the words ‘CAUTION. Not to be used for navigation’ in small type printed on it. (You can probably already guess what happened.) A man drinking at a hotel bar took one of their cocktail napkins back to his boat with him. The image on the napkin is of an antique map of Hilton Head Island. The man (I don’t know how sober he was) tried navigating his boat through the shallows near the island using the map on the cocktail napkin as his guide. The boat crashed onto a rock, completely destroying the boat. The man sued the hotel on the grounds that the map failed to show the rock that he crashed onto. The hotel settled with the man before the case went to trial. Now the hotel prints ‘CAUTION. Not to be used for navigation’ on their cocktail napkins. If you were on the jury, how would you have ruled in this case? Would you have awarded any money to the boat owner?