I know people who will take anything – anything at all – if it is free, even if they have no possible use for it. I once had a tenant who lived near a glass store. When the store threw out broken window glass, he would bring the stuff home. Eventually my yard was full of broken glass. Some of the glass panes were huge and obviously came from store windows. This guy also brought home a lot of other useless stuff. One time he brought home 50 old railroad ties and stacked them up in the front yard. The pile was 7 feet high. Railroad ties should never be reused. They are preserved with creosote, a carcinogenic chemical. I asked my tenant: “Why did you bring these railroad ties here?” He said: “They were free!”
U.C. Berkeley is giving away hyenas, and they have a lot of them. Hyenas are nasty, vicious animals. They cannot be trained or domesticated. A hyena can kill an animal 4 times its own size and can eat 30 pounds of raw meat in 10 minutes. A hyena may not seem like the ideal pet, but if you want one, they are available, and they are free. FREE! If you want a free hyena and have a good home for it, contact the U.C. Berkeley Hyena Project at the Field Station For Animal Behavior. It is near the botanical garden on Gayley Road.