What should you do if a stranger unexpectedly shows up at your front door and says that he’s a building inspector, health inspector, fire marshal, or wallet inspector and asks you to let him in? Just say “No!” Give him my phone number and tell him politely, but firmly, “Speak to my landlord.” Do not let him inside. Do not answer questions or engage him in conversation.
Criminals get into people’s homes all the time by posing as government officials, and they can be very convincing. Smart crooks come well groomed, wear business suits, carry fake I.D., and are polite. After all, a professional house thief knows that if he looks and sounds like a burglar, nobody is going to let him in! If polite talk doesn’t work, a criminal trying to get into your home may then try intimidation. He may threaten to have you arrested for refusing to let him in, but that is just proof that the guy is a phony.
You cannot be arrested or fined for refusing to allow a government official into your home unless he has a Search Warrant signed by a judge stating specifically what it is that he is looking for, and he is accompanied by a policeman. That’s in the Constitution. Keep in mind that I will never send an inspector or repairman to your home without contacting you first to let you know that he is coming.